Kindergarten - Fifth Grade
Sunday Morning
CCKidz start worship at 10:30 in the CCK classroom. We have a check-in system, and parents are encouraged to check them in before service. The nursery joins us for praise and worship before heading back to their room.
Kids learn about Jesus with songs, interactive Bible lessons, skits, games, and more. We take time to teach children to pray and we read the Bible together. We share the love of Jesus and how important a relationship with Him is.
Kids are encouraged to bring their Bibles. If they don’t have one, let us know!
BGMC Sunday

BGMC Sunday takes place the first Sunday of the month after worship. We feel that it is important to teach our children about missions (Mark 16:15). That’s why we dedicate one Sunday a month to Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge (BGMC). BGMC is the missions education program for kids in the Assemblies of God. BGMC equips kids to know, to care, to pray, to give, and to reach the lost. BGMC has a two-fold purpose, to reach the children of the world and to create a heart of compassion in kids. We also have a lot of fun while we do it.
Wednesday Nights at 7
Wednesday Night challenges our CCKidz to learn more about Jesus and the Bible. We believe, wholeheartedly, in teaching kids to learn God’s Word so that they can apply it to their lives (Psalms 119:11). In each unit, we take time to memorize scriptures with fun challenges, songs, and games. We also take an in-depth look into the scriptures they are memorizing and teach them what they mean.
Kids Camp
Kids camp is a week-long camp for ages 8-11 at Cross Pointe Camp in Rocky Mount, MO. Kids have praise and worship services, swimming, rock climbing, mini golf, roller skating, games, and many different group activities. If you have any more questions please check out the Camp Information page.
2020 was the first year that River of Life hosted a Vacation Bible School in 10 years! We had such a great time! Keep an eye on our events page for the next VBS.